Icarus Falls

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Burma, 1

Now its Myanmar now its Burma.

Let's make something very clear at the beginning.

I live in a county and in a society that allows and even encourages my dissent. If I fail to give public voice to my anger, my disgust, or my contempt then it is only I that can and should bear the responsibility for my failure. So I ask for your patience, though not your permission and not your consent, as I freely express my opinion of Myanmar's government.

The military dictatorship masquerading as a legitimate government long ago crossed the line from bad to pathetic, idiotic, ruthless, ignorant, despicable, and contemptible. If a government can be called humane then the Myanmar dictatorship resides at the subhuman level keeping company with the foul smelling pond scum and ooze I scraped off the bottom of my shoe following an unfortunate misstep into a cesspool.

Thank you for your time. I hope you believe it was well spent. If you found my description offensive then I look forward to suffering no consequences beyond your quickly forgotten scorn.

As I discharge my own contempt I wonder how many people the Myanmar government has gunned to prevent them from doing the same. I also wonder about my own role. Did my journey further consolidate this government's lock on power? I imagine that half the money I spent ended up in the state's hands one way or another. Did I help ease the suffering and isolation of a people desperate for democracy and a copy of Reader's Digest? What money I could direct and all my good will went to them. Was my journey fundamentally useless beyond my own entertainment?

I would like to say that I know the answers to these questions but I don't. Instead I sit in still another hotel room and I wonder at the implications of my actions. Most of all I wonder: What if the answer to all of these questions is, "Yes?"

Did I aid the government? YES

Did I help the people of Myanmar? YES

Did I enjoy my journey to the hilt and shed a tear when I departed? YES

Did I do the right thing by going? I will never know.

As I collect my thoughts and anecdotes from Myanmar (a.k.a. Burma) I will try and share them but these thoughts and questions will always be in thebackground even if they are not always spoken.


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